Abraza tu identidad, Fight for Citizenship, Vota por la representación

Discussing what we wanted to speak to with this issue, our voices united around the theme of silences. Silences clouding ideas of Latinx identity, citizenship, and representation are explored in the pieces we present to you. All of these seek to voice a kind of silence. This work has been approached in deeply thoughtful ways and with a range of unique perspectives and lenses for critical analysis. We invite you into the bilingual conversation about túSF, your university and your city, the sphere of American(os), Latinx experience nationwide, and the reality of Fading Fronteras, our evolving transnationalism.

Al hablar sobre lo que queríamos presentar en esta edición de Divisadero, nuestras voces se unieron sobre el tema del silencio. Nuestras piezas hablan de cómo el silencio esconde ideas sobre la identidad Latinx, la ciudadanía y la representación. Todas nuestras piezas quieren darle voz a diferentes tipos de silencios. Nuestro trabajo ha estado enfocado en maneras profundamente conscientes con perspectivas diversas para un análisis crítico. Te invitamos a la conversación sobre TúSF, tu universidad y ciudad, American(os), la experiencia latinx en la nación entera y a la realidad de Fading Fronteras, nuestro transnacionalismo que continúa a crecer.

Spring 2016

Trinidad - Dancing Through - Baile Folklorico dancers

Dancing Through Latinx Life at USF

Surrounded by books and historical artifacts in the “Harry Potter” classroom on Lone Mountain, Margarita Muñoz ties her long, bright green skirt around her waist and checks the sound of her heels on the hardwood floor. She spins around with grace, creating beautiful patterns of cloth and color. A Spanish singing male baritone voice fills the room from a lone, dying speaker, backed by trumpets and guitars. Muñoz is a USF senior majoring in Latin American studies and President of Baile Folklórico de San Pancho, a student club devoted to traditional Latin American dance. The club’s hour long, Thursday night dance rehearsals have become a part of her Latina identity.

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