Otoño / Fall 2018

Fall 2018 Article



Mental Health 

Mental health — defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community. -World Health Organization

Mental illness — refers to a wide range of mental health conditions — disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior, and while some struggle with social and cultural stigma, others acknowledge their mental illness as a part of them, but not the defining feature, in other words, they strive to acknowledge their illness but not let it control them.

Stigma — is a mark of disgrace that sets a person apart from others. When a person is labelled by their illness they are no longer seen as an individual but as part of a stereotyped group. Negative attitudes and beliefs toward this group create prejudice which leads to negative actions and discrimination. Stigma is therefore, a powerful societal force that gets in the way of people seeking support. - Western Australia Dept. of Health

Latinx in the USA

Frontera — borderland-Spanish dict: The imaginary lines separating one territory from the next that immigrants, like Vicky and Francisco, cross in order to get from one country to another. “To survive the Borderlands you must live sin fronteras be a crossroads.” ― Gloria Anzaldua

Dreamer — (often also spelled “DREAMer”) refers to a young person who qualifies for the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act which was ultimately not passed by Congress. Dreamers are frequently referred to as “DACA recipients” although only for Dreamers who have applied for and received DACA status. Dreamers are a movement of young undocumented immigrants unwilling to be deterred by dehumanizing immigration policies, fighting for the right to live in a country where they were raised and have come to love.

DACA — Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, a type of temporary lawful immigration status with work authorization, came out of the Dream Act. Since its creation DACA has allowed hundreds of thousands of young undocumented people to come forward and offer some sort of legal protection. However the current administration has announced the end of DACA and has begun dismantling the program, hurting dreamers and ultimately the United States as a whole. - U.S.C.I.S. DACA 

Undocumented v Illegal — using “illegal” is vague and dehumanizing when talking about an immigrant with no documentation or papers. Therefore, use “undocumented” to be straightforward of their immigrant status without dehumanizing a human. No human being is illegal for living in a country that they immigrated to. Humans commit illegal acts, but are not illegal themselves as people. Undocumented immigrants are immigrants without papers, like Vicky and Francisco, but they are not “illegal” for moving to and living in another country.- ThoughtCo.  

Sanctuary — a place of refuge or safety. San Francisco is a sanctuary city on the state level for undocumented immigrants, however on the federal level, undocumented immigrants could still get detained or arrested. There are different forms of sanctuary, for example, the sanctuary Vicky has found through the First Unitarian Church in Salt Lake City (a non-sanctuary city).

Latinx — is the gender-neutral alternative to Latino, Latina and even Latin@; it aims to move beyond gender binaries and is inclusive of the intersecting identities of Latin American descendants, Latinx also makes room for people who are trans, queer, agender, non-binary, gender non-conforming or gender fluid - HuffPost 

Chicana/Chicanx — A political identity rooted in the civil rights movement and the UFW fight for migrant laborer rights . Being Chicanx means concerning yourself with issues dealing with immigration, gentrification, machismo, violence and abuse as well as other social issues. (Liz) ~~The word Chicanx refers to a connection to the earth, being spiritually connected to one another and conscious of how we treat each other and move forward in the space we take.

Discrimination — the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex- Google (Sophie) Many immigrants of color face discrimination in their day to day lives based on their race and their status of living. The main point of “I’m Human Too” is for the undocumented immigrants in it to talk about the discrimination they have experienced when they moved here.

Gender and Sexuality 

Queer — Previously a slur, Queer is now a political statement. To be queer is to resist the social norms and expectations that society has placed upon LGBTQ individuals. It’s also an umbrella term for those who feel unsafe exposing how they identify or for those who feel that conventional terms do not suit them. 

Pansexual — Loving regardless of gender, not necessarily being “gender blind” but instead recognizing the importance of gender identities for others but not factoring in individual's gender when involved in a romantic context. 

LGBTQ — lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning. 

Housing Rights 

Gentrification/gentrificación — Gentrification is a process of renovating deteriorated urban neighborhoods by means of the influx of more affluent residents. This is a common and controversial topic in politics and in urban planning. (Wikipedia) / Un proceso en el que las personas más pudientes alcanzan un barrio urbana y los precios de la vivienda y el espacio se eleva.  desplazamiento? Maybe problematize the difference between the two terms

Mission Economic Development Agency — un organización Queen dice “comunidad promesa de la misión” para ayudar la gente. Una organización sin fines de lucro que está ayudando a la gente en la misión - medasf.org